Doctor Kracker 100% Whole Wheat Crispbreads

Here’s what I don’t like about this particular crispbread / cracker:

1)      12 g of whole grain per 22 g serving – that means only a little over half is whole grain, the other 10 g is mainly sugar.  If it were 100% whole grain, the whole grains council  stamp would say “100% Whole Grain 16g or more per serving” I find it confusing to have the label blaring 100% whole wheat as well as the whole grain stamp, when it’s actually got a lot less whole wheat than you might think it does.

2)      Serving size 22 grams (22 g) – the standard is 28 g, or 1 ounce, so the calories sound lower at 80 than other packages in the store that use the standard serving size. If the serving were the proper 28 g there’d be 97 calories. Good luck calculating this at the store – can you do this conversion of 22 to 28 grams in your head?  ((22/28 – 1)) – 1 * 80 = 97 calories

3)      Three of the ingredients are sugar: Organic brown sugar (#2), Honey (#4), organic barley malt syrup (#7).  How come the label says only 1 g of sugar?  It has to be more than that because sugar is the 2nd ingredient, and there are 10 grams of food unaccounted for.

4)      How come the label says only 1 g of sugar?  It has to be more than that because sugar is the 2nd ingredient, and there are 10 grams of food unaccounted for.

5)      Canola oil (#5) is empty calories

INGREDIENTS: Organic whole wheat flour (1), organic brown sugar (2), organic wheat bran (3), honey (4), canola oil (5), filtered water (6) organic barley malt syrup (7), sea salt (8), yeast (9)

Make your own crackers within 5 minutes from recipes in my book Crunch! Whole Grain Artisan Chips and Crackers that are far healthier, more delicious, made with higher quality ingredients, and 8 to 15 times cheaper than a commercial brand like this one.

Dr Kracker 100 pct whole wheat








About Alice

I've milled and baked with whole grains for many years, because whole grains are delicious, and white flour is missing the nutrition that protects you from cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and many other diseases. Plus it's a good emergency food.
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