Calories in crackers from Cookbooks and Magazines

As you can see, cookbook and magazine cracker recipes require a lot more fat than mine.   My recipe for a whole wheat sesame seed cracker is 105 calories per 1 ounce serving.

If you want to add a lot of butter, cheese, and cream to my recipes — go right ahead.

But it’s optional — the recipes below have to have that much fat so you can roll the dough out, whereas my new method to bake chips and crackers requires no rolling or chilling of the dough.

Bon Appétit Blue Cheese and Pecan Crackers 2109 calories

477  1 cup crumbled blue cheese (about 4 1/2 ounces), chilled
800  1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
0  1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
455  1 cup all purpose flour
377  1/2 cup pecans

Martha Stewart Peppery Cheese Crackers 1697 calories
495 1 cup bread flour
422 1 cup instant polenta
0 1 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt
0 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
0 1/2 teaspoon paprika
0 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
455 1 cup grated Mimolette cheese
250 2 1/2 tablespoons cold, unsalted butter, cut into 1/4-inch pieces
75 3/4 cup buttermilk

New York Times Fitness & Nutrition Homemade Whole Grain Crackers 1637 Calories

569 1 1/4 cups whole-wheat flour
473 1/2 cup toasted sesame seeds
0 1/2 teaspoon salt
595 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil
0 4 to 5 tablespoons water, as needed

Deborah Madison “Vegetarian cooking for everyone” Seed Crackers  1460 calories

407  1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour
0  1/2 tsp salt
200  2 Tablespoons butter
0  1 tsp. mustard
455  1 heaping cup cheddar, grated
144  1/3 cup parmesan, grated
150  2 eggs
104  2 Tablespoons of seeds
optional: red pepper flakes

King Arthur Wheat Thins  943 calories

468   5 oz whole wheat flour
75   1 1/2 tablespoons sugar
0   1/2 tsp salt
0   1/4 tsp. paprika
400   4 Tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter   calories: 100 per tablespoon, so 400
0   1/4 cup (2 oz) water
0   1/4 tsp vanilla
0   addt’l salt for topping (optional)

Mark Bittman “How to Cook Everything” Crackers 655-900 calories

Calories    Basic recipe  655-700, cream 855-900

455   1 cup (4.5 oz) all purpose flour
0   1/2 tsp. salt
200   2 Tablespoons butter 14 g per T or 28 g/1 oz   200 calories
0   1/4 cup water
0-50  sprinkle with sesame, poppy seeds, or salt

Cream crackers: 2 Tablespoons more butter = 855-900 calories

About Alice

I've milled and baked with whole grains for many years, because whole grains are delicious, and white flour is missing the nutrition that protects you from cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and many other diseases. Plus it's a good emergency food.
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